I built DupIQ as an idea for a startup, but changed plans and decided to release it open source. During my long tenure working on massive scale test automation systems in Microsoft Office, I had a chance to observe first hand that the ability to determine automatically, at scale, in real-time whether a test failure was a new issue or something we had seen already was game changing.

I have talked about this capability in some of my articles and in some of my conference presentations, but it is a bit of a let-down when I realized almost nobody else has in place the tools to do the same thing. I came up with a way of implementing the same thing on relatively easy to use technology. This became the first capability of DupIQ, a way of identifying duplicate test automation failures in real time.

The DupIQ Github repository is located here. It is a work in progress. I had a version running on Azure, but have trimmed it back (removed the WEB UI, user sign-in, security, etc.) to a SQL server backed storage which runs on premise rather than in-cloud. It is extensible, so other implementations on other platforms are possible.