Leading With The Test Problem
Sometimes the testing problem is the answer
We make a lot of decisions in any software project, and
sometimes those decisions are guided by principles that
seem to compete with each other. Respond quickly
versus release when ready. Work in small changes versus
work to understand the bigger picture. Break down
silos versus leverage specialized expertise. Own your
own quality versus get an impartial analysis. Build fast
tests versus build tests that find critical problems. Get
feedback as early as possible versus don’t exhaust the
users with broken product. Validating product
behavior matches requirements versus seeking problems
that threaten product value.
We can deal with competing guidelines effectively if we ignore them (temporarily) and focus on the problem. This is especially true for testing problems, which have particular characteristics that should help us make decisions and decide our course of action, even when dealing with guidelines that compete with each other.
A working example of a test problem
This one came from my time testing Microsoft SharePoint Online, part of the initial Office 365 offering. I would state the test problem as follows:
How can we know and discover if there are bugs synchronizing user identity data across the various points where that data is cached in the system when properties like the User Principal Name (UPN) are changed?
This example statement has the following characteristics that it shares with all testing problems:
- It is about risk to product value
- It is about knowledge and concerns itself with a possible gap in what we know
- It is implicitly about observation, bugs that we have seen happen and can confirm exist
- It is targeted at a set of behaviors and conditions which we want to understand
- It is asking for or seeking a methodology or means to gain knowledge, it suggests action
The problem statement, in this case, is also guideline neutral. It describes only something we want to know, the kinds of risks we are worried about, and seeks a way to learn what we want to know. This will prove useful.
Guiding decisions with the testing problem
I am putting pragmatic how-to up front in this article, and leaving theoretical discussion until after. A lot of you have work to do, so let’s get on with it.
Short version:
- Describe the testing problem
- Assess the problem
- Detail as needed
- Pick your solutions
If we follow that set of steps, we are better positioned to make decisions that fit our needs, and are less likely to allow assumed guidelines and ideology cause us to take a less effective plan of action.
I describe the steps below.
Describe the testing problem
Use the five attributes indicated above. What risk are you concerned about? What do we not know yet about that risk? Is this a narrowly targeted risk about specific behaviors, or larger and more open ended? Do we have a sense of methodology yet, or do need to invent one?
You want a testing problem with enough meat on it you understand what you are going to work toward. We will use this problem statement to guide actions and decisions.
Assess the testing problem
Is the testing problem well articulated? Do we understand what we need to learn? Does the testing suggest other deeper problems? Does the testing problem describe a risk that is important to us, knowlege we deem valuable? What risk do we face by not working on this testing problem?
The more uncertain we are about decisions we might make, the more important the assessment. For example, we may regularly apply a guideline that all product testing must happen quickly via the release pipeline. If a given testing problem is deemed extremely high risk to the user or business (e.g. “How can we discover vulnerabilities to security attack and exploit in our customer person data retrieval and storage pipeline?”) we may decide our rapid testing guideline is too confining to apply rigidly to that testing problem.
Detail the testing problem
This almost doesn’t merit mention as it should be obvious. Assessment and solutions and decision making get into a chicken and egg loop rapidly with details on a problem. We may not know how to assess without more facts. We may not know where to start on a solution without understanding the problem better. Understanding that problem better or collecting more facts likewise need a solution, and may need an assessment before investing further.
This is a call it as you see it step. Let the situation guide you. Rule of thumb is if you feel anxious about not understanding the problem well enough, you are probably correct.
Pick your solution
Easier said than done, but there is no magic method which will guarantee whatever solution you choose works well. Some ideas to consider:
- consider options and alternatives
- consider the solution first, evaluate relative to guidelines later
- a testing solution means observation of the product in action
- assess carefully how much you want/need to know, and whether the solution ought to provide that
- remember that observation only works for something that exists already
- the risk from knowledge gap is weighed relative to importance of a guideline
- be ready to give way on either the solution or a guideline
- every guideline you drop or ease up on suggests a complementary guideline coming into play
The key part of picking the solution is that everything is problem centric before applying guidelines. We consider possible solutions independent of guidelines, with the problem already assessed at an earlier stage.
It is at this point where the guidelines affect the decision. Maybe a given solution is inappropriate for some reason. Maybe a risk behind a problem is so critical we have to think of another way of working than we normally do. Maybe when we consider a given guideline against a proposed solution it helps us imagine another way of solving the same problem that fits the guideline better.
Testing Problem Characteristics
Let’s look at these shared testing problem characteristics more closely. Taken in their entirety, they differentiate from problem statements regarding product design, implementation, knowing if a product is right for the market or customer needs. Different kinds of problem statements intersect on attributes, but not 100%.
Risk to product value
Risk to product value is broad, and an open-ended, infinite possibility concern that sits opposite the fixed set of product behaviors we intend to bring to the users. Are there ways the product might fail, confuse the user, damage data or property, create risk to user interests, increase costs to the business, diminish the reputation or value of the business brand? In practice, testers adopt the guiding principle that there are attributes and behaviors in the product which threaten value, and that what we want to do is discover them. Testing problems focus on, frequently start with, an underlying assumption of risk.
One of the subsets of test focus on risk are shared with other problem spaces in software development. Risk focus in testing intersects with some of the “is this the right product?” business problem, and “did we build the product right?” development problem, but it takes a slightly different angle.
Risk to product value flips two other problem statements categories “Does the product meet requirements?” and “Is this the right product?” around. The inverse of both questions become a kind of threat to product value. We ask “In what ways does the product fail to meet requirements?” and “What might make this the wrong product for the market?” instead. Inversion of those two problem statements makes both of them a small subset of the much larger categories of things which might threaten product value. Confirmatory tests which check if a given condition is true (e.g. “After changing the file type on the image, is the saved file structure and extension consistent with the selected format?”) are really intended to notify us when the condition is false - when risk to product value has been identified.
It is worth noting that this subsuming of other risk based questions remains a test problem, but implementation might change. Our examples of “build product right” and “build right product” problems are matched with common methods, where other problems might demand a different approach entirely.
Knowledge and the gap in knowledge
We have a testing problem because there is something we do not know. If we know something the testing problem is erased. Knowledge and risk are intertwined. Not knowing is a form of risk. We address risk partly by learning something. Knowing clarifies the specifics about risk.
Knowledge and belief are complementary, but different problems. Product requirements and designs are about belief. We believe that a given set of requirements, if satisfied, will produce value for the users or business. We believe that the design we have created, and the implementation of that design are going to satisfy the product requirements. We do not intrinsically know either of those things one way or the other. The thing is that designing and building product cannot be frozen from lack of knowledge. There is a chicken and egg relationship between believing what you are making will solve a problem and knowing that it really does. The designers and developers and other creators have to move forward on belief. That faith may be informed by other things they know, but remains only faith so long as we are still making the product.
Testing is about us knowing something. We know that a given threat to value exists. We know that five hundred repetitions of the test procedure yielded an aborting memory leak 2% of the time. We know that the web page renders differently on Firefox than on Chrome.
Testing infinitely contemplates what we do not know yet. We do not know yet at what workload throughput level will operations begin to fail in some manner. We do not know yet whether some of the product features are unavailable to accessibility tools. We do not know what percentage of users successfully follow the guided instructions in the help wizard for the new formatting features. We don’t know what risks worry us about the newly acquired project code because we haven’t done a survey of it.
The heart of the testing problem statement is the knowledge gap around risk.
Implicitly about observation
All testing is an act of observation. It is an empirical act. If there was no observation then a test did not happen. Observation via testing complements our other belief based activities of design and enumerating requirements by delivering facts, truth, and knowledge.
Observation affects the problem in a large way. Something must exist or happen to be observed. Our method must be capable of detecting a given thing for us to observe it. Observations are samples from moments in time that may or may not repeat in the same way. Different things have different probabilities of being observed, so a great deal of observation (testing) is about manipulating test conditions to put observational probabilities in our favor. Observation requires an expense of time and effort, both of which themselves are a cost and a risk in their own way. Observation always comes at some degree of precision, accuracy, and understanding. Observation unavoidably intersects with perception and our own need for sense making. When we test, we are adopting methods and practices and techniques to manage these affects of observation in our favor.
The entire (false) shift-left/shift-right dichotomy is an attempt to express observational opportunity relative to time in the development cycle. Applying a sometimes true, but more often than one might suspect false, principle that testing and bug discovery is always cheaper if done earlier, the shift-left guideline is to move all directed testing as close to the developer as possible. Almost as a shrug to “some stuff is too hard to find that early”, the other side of the dichotomy is offered as a “test in production” solution.
This ignores an important truth about observation. The bugs we can observe change across time. Some bugs are apparent in specification alone - we can walk through the logic of the intended behavior and describe self-contradictory state and requirements on paper alone. Some bugs do not appear until the code exists, but are easily found by checks against articulated requirements. Some bugs do not manifest until we hook components together where behaviors not understood in system interaction play out in real time. Some bugs are only apparent under the subjective experience of real users. Each one of these categories are only possible to observe at or after the point in time where the bug manifests.
Another important point about observation is our approach changes what we can observe. When a developer writes a unit test, they know exactly what problem they are looking for. I offer one of mine as an example.
The behavior I want is that the GetIssueReport method returns a specific, custom exception when the item it is looking for does not exist. I do not want some other exception from lower layers to bubble up. I do not want a null object. I want it to be an error condition that the caller of this method explicitly deals with (instead of, for example, accidentally trying to use that null object later).
The following test method checks for exactly that requirement. It overrides dependencies with mocks so that underlying behavior is guaranteed to align with the test condition. It removes as much as it can any possible interfering state. It might catch other problems, but it is very low probability it will. If I did not anticipate something with this test method, it isn’t going to get caught. This works very well for requirements we know ahead of time, communicates contractual expectations and supports a lot of development needs. The test serves its purpose because the purpose needs a very precise and exact means of observation for something known ahead of time:
public void GetIssueReport_nomatchingissue_throws()
MockIssueDbProvider dbProvider = new MockIssueDbProvider();
dbProvider.overrideConfigure = (s) => { };
dbProvider.overrideGetIssueReportTenantConfigProjId = (instanceId, TenantConfiguration, projectId) => { throw new IssueDoesNotExistException("testinstanceid"); };
MockTaggedIssueIdProvider taggedIssueIdProvider = new MockTaggedIssueIdProvider();
taggedIssueIdProvider.overrideConfigure = (s) => { };
MockIssueIdProvider issueIdentityProvider = new MockIssueIdProvider();
issueIdentityProvider.overrideConfigure = (s) => { };
IssueRepository issueRepository = new IssueRepository(dbProvider, new IssueIdentityManager(new IIssueIdentityProvider[] { issueIdentityProvider }, null));
IssueReport issueReport = issueRepository.IssueReport("testinstanceid", "testtenant", string.Empty);
Assert.Fail("should not get here because it should throw.");
catch (IssueReportDoesNotExistException e)
Assert.AreEqual("testinstanceid", e.InstanceId, "Fail if does not match issue report instance.");
But what about problems we do not anticipate? We need observational approaches which work even if we don’t know what might go wrong. For that, I offer the following deceptively simple test method:
public void GET_ReportIssue_allwritecapableroles()
Console.WriteLine("Check with tenant admin token.");
Console.WriteLine("Check with tenant writer token.");
The method looks small, and even its helper function, GetReportIssueForUserToken, is not very large. But it is far from a unit test. The above method tests against the product REST API, which loads an entire service into a web instance with multiple tiers, an SQL server, a trained ML embedding model and a call to an 3rd party cloud provider. Further, the test is cover two different user roles that were prepared before hand by test setup code. While the prior unit test targets precisely, and very well, whether or not one specific method handles an error case in a very specific way, the method here catches any number of failures. The check behind that helper method does little more than affirm the final call happens and the return value looked right, but in this case the journey was more important than the destination. The observational method utilized here is about increasing the probability of catching something we did not notice.
The unit test is a horrible way to find new bugs, but a splendid way to check conformance to requirements. The REST API test is a dreadful way to quickly check if a change broke something (preparing the test fixture cleanly and repeatedly is prohibitive to do in a dev loop) but an excellent way to look for new bugs once you have time to look. We need to change our observational method to match the problem statement.
Targeted to a set of behaviors and conditions
Testing is unavoidably about choices. Any moment of observation offers an infinity of pieces of information to collect, questions to consider, something to learn. When we record an observation, manipulate some test condition, we are making choices.
We like to make some of those choices up front. We may not know enough to do that, so maybe the test problem is “What are the key risks and concerns we can draft for this product and how can we best collect what we need to know to describe them?” Our test problem might be very broad, “How can we discover if the user stories conflict with each other?”, or it might be very specific “Does the personalized content cache have problems purging and repopulating entries when under high volume workload of a large population of users with lots of customizations and frequent updates to the customized data stream?” (another real testing problem I had to deal with when I was on the Content Management team in SharePoint).
The targeting helps us on the technical side designing the testing approach, pre-requisites, executing the cases. Relevant to this discussion, it helps us understand the assessment. Some behaviors may considered a lower priority or low risk problem, some might worry the product team a great deal. Some targeting also aids in the “choose another solution” cycle that occurs often enough when some high priority guideline conflicts with a suggested solution.
Asking for a solution, demands action
The point of our whole endeavor is to act on decisions. A problem does not start with a solution (“We are writing an automated test suite that runs in the cloud on virtual machines that emulate gaming devices. What problem do we need to solve?” as backward as that sounds, it is oddly familiar to how people discuss testing). We understand the problem first and craft the solution to address it.
Guidelines are similar to solutions. They shape our decisions, but are not our primary objectives. Our primary objectives are the problems we are trying to solve, and the guidelines help us set constraints on our solution. They help us make decisions. They introduce concerns we must weigh against problem priorities and solutions we describe.
There is also a matter of sufficiency. The solution is only satisfactory if it actually addresses the problem. For example, imagine the following test problem and proposed solution:
How can we discover information disclosure and alteration exploit vulnerabilities in the user credit card storage and retrieval sub-system?
Solution: Implement a test suite to automate each one of the user stories to validate the product meets requirements.
The example is vacuously and obviously bad, ignoring all the ways that a system which hits every single one of the user story points might have mistakes in implementation that leave wind open holes in data security. It is exaggerated for sake of illustration, although sometimes I feel what people offer and propose as test solutions in general are not far from the example. Sometimes what they lack is articulation of any test problem at all, leaving us empty and malnourished from lack of proper solutions.
Let’s grind some axes on ideology
If you read this far, you probably concluded that while I wrote this article as a high level how to, it seems there is an argument happening as well. You would be right.
There exist a lot of arguments, some heated, about different practices for testing and development. Most of these practices are applications of guidelines grounded in ideologies. I see ideologies as organized collections of heuristics, philosophical toolsets which we may pick up and utilize when needed, and then put away when a better tool suits our needs.
Some of us treat ideologies as singular fixed statements about truth and good and bad that are always right and never to be violated. I reject that approach to ideologies, but I leave my arguments for a different venue. What I will say is I believe when we put the ideology first and foremost we sometimes wind up making bad decisions, even when the ideology is otherwise sound.
Some ideologies seem to have no redeeming value at all. I don’t want my tool metaphor to confuse anybody into believing I consider all ideologies on equal footing when it comes to effectiveness and moral ground.
I am not going to enumerate any competing ideologies here any more than examples of guidelines I stated already. What I hope to do with this article is describe an approach to solving problems and making decisions that puts ideologies in a more proper place. Use them as tools which helps us make decisions and not as overpowering rules that define the parameters and constraints for all behavior. I believe one way of doing better at that is to put the problem first, assess the problem, consider solutions, and then apply our guidelines.