Sometimes testing is about methodical analysis

Image depicting a tester writing test ideas on a whiteboard This is an article in a series where I describe interview questions I used to use to screen testing candidates. My intent is to demonstrate some of the behaviors I observed in candidates who did particularly well, and contrast them against behaviors for those that did poorly. I hope someone reading this might find it useful to adopt a mindset, or practices, which make for productive testing.

The question in this article is a coding problem. I used it for SDETs. It is a difficult coding problem, and I found almost without fail over more than a decade using this question that if the candidate did poorly on the testing part of the problem they never got the algorithm correct. It was one of the most reliable predictions of success and failure I have ever seen.

The nature of the testing on this question is very analytical, very targeted and specific. It does poorly for broad, open-ended thinking. It does not touch at all on systems thinking. It is an excellent screen for methodical, organized problem solving.

It was the question presented to me by Gerry Weiler, the manager of the MSN 1.0 testing team back in 1994 when I interviewed for a position on the team. It was a real problem his team had to solve on Microsoft’s Macro Assembler several years before.

Let’s pretend you are working on an editor that has to support English and Japanese text…

I would introduce the problem as follows:

You are working on a program that accepts text in both English and Japanese format. The text is encoded in a scheme called Shift+JIS that supports a mixture of single byte and double byte characters in the same stream. An English character has the high bit of its single byte set to 0. A Japanese character has the high bit of its high byte set to 1, while the remaining bits can be one or zero.

We need a function that determines if the last character in a buffer in Shift+JIS format is English or Japanese, one byte or two bytes. The buffer is defined as a byte pointer to the beginning of the buffer, and a byte pointer to the end of the buffer. The function should return 1 if the last character in the buffer is English, and 2 if the last character in the buffer is Japanese. An example of the function declaration is here:

// returns:
//    1 if last character is English
//    2 if last character is Japanese
//    0 if buffer is invalid
int NumBytes(byte * pbBeg, byte * pbEnd)

Spoiler alert: if you like to solve problems on your own, then the section titled “The test cases get to the heart of the problem” might ruin it for you. It doesn’t show the code (I save that for the end of the article), but the test cases in that section make the answer almost obvious, and that’s no fun for the puzzle solving inclined.

Green Flags

The green flags in this question are very targeted, very specific to coding interviews, especially for testers that are going to code a lot.

Writes the tests first

This is not critical, because some candidates write the code first and test after and do a decent job of it. But every single candidate who wrote a successful algorithm did so after they wrote out the test cases - they completely re-wrote the code after the test cases were already there. The candidates who started with the test cases would fly through the actual code.

The test cases are methodical

Methodical can vary a lot. Some people wrote test cases that might not have been ordered neatly and organized cleanly, but there was a structure to which cases the candidate considered next. Some people would write test cases in neat, clean lines and rows of tabular data. Some chose tables, some chose trees, some just wrote short phrases of their data sets.

Methodical and organized cases, for this question, leaned heavily to success. There is a class of bug that almost every person who tries to solve this problem will introduce, and methodical analysis of the problem tends to bring the potential for that bug forward. Which brings us to the next point…

The test cases get to the heart of the problem

With most coding questions, there is some fundamental problem that is the heart of the algorithm, the thing it does, the little twist that makes it not as trivial to solve as it seems. With some problems, the developer can miss that key challenge, make bad assumptions, and introduce a defect they are completely oblivious too.

A good tester, who in this kind of situation might be the programmer themselves, needs to see this fundamental problem separate from the algorithm. If we think of loops and if conditions and else statements and recursion and whatnot, we start to impose assumptions separate from the problem in the raw, without the code. If we can think about the problem itself, and ask “what does this imply?” we start to see critical patterns.

An example of good test cases for this problem might look like the following. In this case, imagine that the candidate is representing only the high bit instead of the whole byte, and that the strings of ones and zeroes each represent the end of a single buffer:

Buffer… expected result

  0 - English
  1 - Invalid?
 00 - English
 01 - Invalid?
 10 - Japanese
 11 - Japanese

Let’s pause for a second. A good test candidate does not stop with the above tests, but there are some important points to talk about in the selection above. The methodical order of tests and layout make understanding the expected results better.

Also notice how the invalid case naturally falls out from the analysis. Most candidates ask me “what is invalid?” and I tell them that is for them to figure out. The data scheme as it is defined intrinsically introduces an invalid case when a single byte character has a high bit set to 1. The test case layout makes that apparent.

It is critical for the candidate to keep going. I will cover this more in Red Flags below, but let’s continue with this example.

000 - English
001 - Invalid
010 - Japanese
011 - Japanese
100 - English
101 - Invalid
110 - English
111 - Invalid

A pattern is emerging in the data that is difficult to spot in this form. There is also a behavior I typically see as the candidate tries to build the cases. When they try to decide what the expected result ought to be, they sometimes deal with this case…

                 0 0 English
                 1 0 Japanese
<don't know yet> 1 0 ??

The candidate typically starts adding 1s and 0s to the left of that last row. What is it supposed to be? English or Japanese. They don’t know how to assign the expected result. They start to wrestle with a dilemma built into the data scheme.

Eventually, the candidate creates something like this:

    0 English
   10 Japanese
  110 English
 1110 Japanese
11110 English

   00 English
  010 Japanese
 0110 English
01110 Japanese

    1 Invalid
   11 Japanese
  111 Invalid
 1111 Japanese
11111 Invalid

At this point, the answer to the algorithm is almost screaming at them. I will show the algorithm later in the article, because the important part here is the test analysis.

Good candidates get to the example cases above in different order, direction, style. I really like the tabular approach, but lots of other styles succeed. The key accomplishment is to analyze the data scheme and identify the important problem implied by it.

This is not a one-off example of an oddball problem. Data formats and schemes and logical constructs and relationships between features in applications have these sorts of relationships all the time which imply critical meaning for constructing test conditions that will target high probability bugs.

I had one candidate who, when I asked him this problem said “Our developers had to solve this where I worked. They were never able to get it completely right…” The existence of a real world account of this problem being wrongly implemented I feel is a demonstration of how powerful and important good test analysis is on detailed level. With a good set of cases, built for specific reasons based on in-depth analysis, the failure is not some shrug your shoulders situation. The fix can be clearly articulated.

Willing to go outside the box and not quite satisfied

This question feels at first like the opposite of outside the box thinking. The data inputs are tightly defined, as is the desired behavior. The analysis I describe above is very methodical, very step by step.

A lot of good candidates don’t trust their initial analysis. In the prior section I describe an idealized thinker, almost an automaton in their organized approach. I saw some candidates who were that precise. Most candidates, including myself when I answered this question, were not. Most candidates will approach the problem with a shorter list of cases and assumptions - and then the good ones will express some degree of concern, or distrust of what they just did. They satisfy this concern by tossing a more sporadic mix. Consider this example:

0 English

10 Japanese

11 Japanese

000000 English

010101 -- what? Invalid?

010100 English

011111 -- ?? Invalid?

0111110 Japanese

010110 English

The distrust and skepticism, the concern they are not doing enough is a green flag for test candidates. My randomness example above is contrived to paint a picture of a candidate who picks spurious values to shake their head out of what they are locked into. They are “tossing things at the wall” to see if any of their prior assumptions are violated or if they see new patterns. In the fifth case, the candidate ponders if the case might be invalid. In the next one, they try out changing that last bit, and it seems it ought to be English. Then they get back to another Invalid, and play with the buffer values to find how to change the Invalid back to Japanese and then randomly change something upstream that flips it English.

The candidate is on to something, but hasn’t solved the algorithm yet. That is not so much of a concern, because the important piece of information from testing mindset angle is that they are still searching. Settling for the test cases they have written already is not good enough. They have no reliable method yet to predict the correct response and that is bothering the tester. This demonstration of an inclination to keep looking, as well as having ways to shift their perceptions away from locked assumptions is a predictor of a good tester.

Red Flags

Some of the red flags on this question present so strongly I want to shut the interview down the moment I see them. I don’t because if a person does not do well I want to learn from the experience during the debrief, and I need a full sample of their behavior to give them that information. Some of the red flags are corrected by the green flags. I will start with the less damaging red flags.

Writes the code first

Lots of candidates want to dive immediately into code without considering test cases. They confidently implement what they believe is the correct algorithm and present that as the answer.

Most of them write the following code (let’s pretend we have a function which checks the high bit given a byte pointer and returns a boolean true if set):

if (ishibitset(pbEnd))
    return 2;
  return 0;
  return 1;

If you have been following the article thus far, you should recognize that the code above is broken for at least 50% of the possible inputs. The above algorithm is as if the candidate imagined the following possible test conditions and wrote the code to handle only those conditions:

  0 English
  1 Invalid
 10 Japanese
 11 Japanese

When I ask the candidate “Does this code work?” That is where I get the split between a good tester who for the rest of the interview shows me green flags, and a candidate who continues with more red flags.

“Yup, that works”

This red flag waves strong. I nudge and hint and try to give themselves a chance to rescue themselves, but I rarely see them take the bait. Rather than walk through their code, rather than try some test cases, the candidate stares at the code and declares it good.

Most of the time, after strong hinting and nudging, the interview turns into a learning opportunity, where I demonstrate the kind of test analysis I am looking for and how it demonstrates the bugs in the code.

Writing the same tests they wrote the code to handle

This red flag is a concern if the candidate never proceeds to a green flag. They go to the whiteboard and write down the test cases:

  0 English
  1 Invalid
 10 Japanese
 11 Japanese

Rather than separating their mind from their code and thinking about the core problem in the data scheme, they repeat what the code does, meaning the test suite is doing nothing more than propagating the same assumptions that the bug comes from.

At this point, the candidate either switches to a distrust/skeptism behavior and starts adding cases (green flag), or they revert to “Yup, that works.”

Sloppy test case design

A candidate does not need to be clean and neat and orderly to succeed, but they need to have some degree of rigor to find the answer. Sometimes the candidate’s management and organization of their test analysis is so disorderly they confuse themselves. They forget what expected values are for certain cases, they get the correct results wrong.

The most shocking and surprising and “What are you doing?” thing I have seen a couple of candidates do is write a case, think about it, write down the correct answer, ERASE THE CASE, and then write a new one.


I have never seen disorderly test analysis lead to a successful solution to this particular problem.

Getting into the tester mindset for analytical problems

Not all testing problems are about methodical, detailed and intricate analysis, but many are. I find when testers avoid this kind of problem they leave the feature they are testing open to a set of bugs that haunt the product for a long time.

This is also the kind of testing problem developers CAN be very good at. But I have found from many years of asking developers this question that a developer who wrote the code first can very easily get the test cases too short and miss a large set of defects in their core algorithm. But this kind of problem is SO closely tied to the core algorithms and application logic that I believe it is an important muscle for developers to build. I believe this is the kind they can, and should, excel at if they can just avoid a few traps. Let’s use the green flags to consider the techniques that well in the interview:

  • write the cases first, or try to imagine the test problem as if you don’t know the code
  • methodically analyze the test problem
  • search for a “heart of the problem” and design cases to exericse it
  • amend the cases with ideas outside your methodical analysis

Let’s think of the red flags:

  • distrust your inclination to say “yup it works”, address by forcing yourself to test the code
  • distrust your inclination to believe you thought of everything in the code, invest some time thinking of cases other than what the code explicitly looks for even if they feel redundant or already handled
  • address hard to read or understand test case design by forcing some order on your test case design by forcing some order and structure to its layout

The red flags are a suggestion, a hint, that there is a bug in your code. Telling yourself “that works” without having watched it work suggests a superficial analysis that probably was in force when you were writing the code. Believing you thought of everything when you wrote the code suggests incomplete assumptions the code does not address. Disorder in the test case design suggests some level of confusion when thinking about the what the code needs to do. Pay attention to the red flags.

The above paragraph describes a mindset that something must be wrong, there must be a mistake somewhere. This is part of the tester mindset. You want to get into the practice of adopting that way of looking at things.

The solution - spoiler alert, in case you like solving problems yourself

I am going to describe the algorithm in pseudo code rather than write it out in a specific language.

In the green flags test cases above, there was a pattern apparent in the test suite. The expected values were flipping back and forth between either Japanese and (English|Invalid) based on the number of consecutive hi bits set preceding the last byte in the buffer. An even block of consecutive hit bits set to 1 would all be Japanese bytes paired up, meaning the byte was alone and either English (0) or Invalid(1). An odd block of consecutive high bits mean that the last byte in the buffer is paired with the preceding byte and thus it has to be Japanese. Whether the position to the left of the consecutive hi bits is beginning of buffer or a low bit (0) does not matter. This means the algorithm is as follows:

 if found error conditions like bad buffer pointers, crossed buffer pointers return 0

 scan next to last byte back to either a 0 in hi bit or beginning of buffer, counting bytes

 if number of bytes is odd - return 2 // paired with last byte
 if number of bytes is even  // last byte stands alone
    if last byte hi bit is 0 return 1
    else return 0

I almost do not care if the candidate gets the above algorithm exactly correct. A good test suite that will break almost every bad implementation is a strong indicator of a good hire.

The weakness of this particular interview question is in how targeted and precise it is. It reveals one very specific thing about how well the candidate works with detailed and analytical problems. It demonstrates nothing about how they do with open ended test problems, challenging assumptions from others, thinking about heavily user oriented problems. I always carefully picked this problem only if I knew what the other candidates in the interview panel were going to ask.

This problem is also very puzzle problem in nature. I have some reservations on questions that really heavily on intuition and moments of brilliance. The whole leetcode arsenal of questions feels the same way to me. The methodical analysis part of the solution redeems it somewhat, but there are times I feel as if we are punishing candidates for maybe not having enough coffee that morning rather than assessing their readiness for a job. I share it here only because I do believe the test case portion of the interview describes tester mindset very well.