Stack your layers with IO at the bottom

A cartoon of a stick figure person looking at a stack of turtles

One of the patterns I like to use while coding is to isolate the business logic into testable units of code independent from any IO or interaction from external objects. I want to be able to test the decisions inside the business logic, as well as enforce and protect the contract between my components with tests that run fast and check very specific conditions. This reduces risk at the system level while establishing expected behaviors as precisely as possible in the smallest pieces of code as possible.

In this article, I describe an example of one design pattern I like to use. To do this I am targeting the following goals:

  1. Keep all IO as thin as possible, only about data retrieval and transmission in the simplest form as I can
  2. Own all decisions about data validation, errors, expected transformations, conditional behavior inside the unit
  3. Write a coded check for every decision that the unit owns
  4. Use the mocks as a way to define the expected contracts and force test failure when the contract is violated

There is a live version of this article on my YouTube channel, Software Testing. I recorded myself making the changes, running the tests, fixing my bugs, and generally confusing myself, all for your edification.

Wayne is testing: unit tests to isolate business logic from IO

The example - an issue reporting method

The method in this example allows for retrieval of issue reports from an issue reporting service. The architecture is designed as follows:

Diagram showing how the IssueProvider is consumed by Repository, which calls the constructor giving it both the EmbeddingProvider and IssueDatabase, the latter of which has getIssueReport that the IssueProvider calls

The top level object is called a Repository, and it has several methods which need to access an IssueProvider, which offers issue based services and functions. The IssueProvider has a method called getIssueReport which will return an issueReport from where it is stored, and owns the business logic for input validation and error handling. Issue providers can vary in their implementation based on the type of technology and method they use to carry out their business logic.

This particular issue provider uses semantic search to do some of its work, and bases that on word embeddings and a vector database. It also persists some data in a regular datbase. Because of that, the constructor to this IssueProvider takes two objects, an IssueDatabase and an EmbeddingsProvider. For the getIssueReport method, it only uses the IssueDatbase, which also implements getIssueReport.

The unit test described in this article covers the EmbeddingIssueProvider.getIssueReport method. The Repository is tested separately with a mock of the issue provider.

Testing EmbeddingIssueProvider.getIssueReport() simple case

The first test I created called getIssueReport with simple, valid inputs and expected to get back a valid IssueReport object.

describe("getIssueReport tests", function () {
    it("existing report", function () {
        var issueDatabase = MockIssueDatabase.getDatabase();
        issueDatabase.getIssueReport = function (t, p, i) {
            return [new CommonSchema.IssueReport("test message", mindate, "100")];

        var embeddingprovider = MockEmbeddingProvider.getEmbeddingProvider();
        var issueProvider = EmbeddingsMaker.getIssueProvider(embeddingprovider, issueDatabase);

        var result = issueProvider.getIssueReport("tenant1", "project1", "report1");

There are several important aspects to the above code.

The mocks define the contract

The first definition we encounter is that the constructor to the EmbeddingIssueProvider expects the two providers, one for the embedding provider, and one for the issue database (this is hidden behind getIssueProvider).

The next definition is that the issue database object is expected to implement a method called getIssueReport() that takes three arguments, an id for a tenant, a project, and the issue report. The test above is perhaps being too permissive in its checks, as it only checks that the return result is correct. (I ought to fix it to also check that the expected values of "tenant1", "project1", and "report1" are passed through as well.)

Another important part is the test code only mocks the methods it believes ought to be called in this particular case. This gets more interesting when we talk about the error validation cases later. In support of this, the mock also does something in its default implementation:

class MockIssueDatabase {
    getIssueReport(tenantId, projectId, reportId) { throw Error(NOTIMPLEMENTEDEXCEPTION); };

MockIssueDatabase throws an error saying it is not implemented if anything calls it without the test code overriding the mock behavior. The point of this is to check any errors in the product not handling conditional logic properly and falling through to use its dependencies at times when it should not.

Business logic and IO are separated

The business logic necessary to satisfy this particular check is almost nothing. A simple pass through and return from the issue database getIssueReport method would suffice to pass the check. The important part, though, is that the check is able to exercise that business logic without having to establish a connection to a real database. The test sets up its own version of the issue database, eliminating all IO, and takes full control of the dependency behavior.

Testing for a missing issue report and checking contract enforcement of error ownership expectations

One case I wanted to cover was when an issue report is requested that is not in the database. The design I want is that the issue provider will throw in that case, meaning the caller will handle that as an error to either take mitigating action or report up to the end user.

I want to keep the ownership of that error state inside the issue provider, and I want the error that the caller deals with to always be the same, no matter what the underlying technology. This means I want the issue provider to be the code that decides to make the throw and owns the identity of the error.

This is made even more interesting by the way database technologies usually work. When we query for an item from a database, when something does not match the search condition, we normally get an empty list instead of an error. There is therefore going to be an expectation of the issue database provider object, expressed in the contract to return an empty result set in the case where the item is not found. Meanwhile, the expectation is still that in this case the EmbeddingIssueProvider will throw an error saying the issue report does not exist.

it("no existing report", function () {
    var issueDatabase = MockIssueDatabase.getDatabase();
    issueDatabase.getIssueReport = function (t, p, i) {
        return [];

    var embeddingprovider = MockEmbeddingProvider.getEmbeddingProvider();
    var issueProvider = EmbeddingsMaker.getIssueProvider(embeddingprovider, issueDatabase);
    expect(function () { var result = issueProvider.getIssueReport("tenant1", "project1", "report1"); }).toThrow(EmbeddingsMaker.ISSUEREPORTDOESNOTEXIST);

Testing for invalid inputs and checking proper abort

One of the things I want to check is that if the inputs are invalid the EmbeddingsIssueProvider stops processing at the appropriate time. The test code which implements this check is as follows:

it("null tenant", function () {
    var issueDatabase = MockIssueDatabase.getDatabase();

    var embeddingprovider = MockEmbeddingProvider.getEmbeddingProvider();
    var issueProvider = EmbeddingsMaker.getIssueProvider(embeddingprovider, issueDatabase);
    expect(function () { var result = issueProvider.getIssueReport(null, "project1", "report1"); }).toThrow(CommonSchema.NULLARGUMENT);

The design of this has some important attributes.

De-coupled business logic and IO allows us to check expectations

Knowing whether the code appropriately stopped processing after discovering inputs were invalid would require unnatural tying of test code to implementation were the business logic and IO tightly coupled. Most of the time, damage from continued processing after error checks or exceptional conditions is tied to IO, persisting system state in a way that is only partially valid.

When we decouple the IO from the business logic we can do simple and easy checks for handling exceptional conditions up by using mocks (like ours) which throw if their methods are called without being overridden. This makes for a very small, compact check that will very safely fail if the implementation fails to abort before calling IO on the condition checked.

Checking only one invalid input at a time

There are three inputs to this method, tenantid, projectId, and reportId. Each one of them could be null. The test code above checks only one of those methods instead of all at once. This is because typical abort logic will stop processing upon hitting triggering the first guard condition. The actual implementation in the method looks like this:

if (tenantId == null || projectId == null || reportId == null) {
    throw Error(CommonSchema.NULLARGUMENT);

For the above, so long as tenantId is null, none of the others conditions will evaluate. This means that were there a bug such as the following, having only a check which confirms all three at once would miss the error:

// look closely at the typo which replaces == with ||
if (tenantId == null || projectId == null || reportId || null) {
    throw Error(CommonSchema.NULLARGUMENT);

Summing up…

The ideas I present here are not too unusual or new. These are pretty common design patterns that work well to keep code testable, architecture extensible, and tests more reliable. I like using real examples based on whatever I was doing in the last day or so because it show show ideas that may seem distant and conceptual when talked about abstractly can look when it is something you mean to keep and use for real.

The principles that I demonstrated in this example were:

  • isolating IO from business logic
  • keeping IO providers thin
  • owning conditional logic, errors, exception handling inside the unit
  • using mocks to define and enforce contracts

It is a pattern I use quite a lot, and it has worked well for me.