When the testing has to get real

Stick figure cartoon depicting someone testing a sled dog harness on a sawhorse dog model and trying to convince their tiny dog to put it on

We have two pugs, and I thought the notion of putting a sled dog harness on a pug would be funny. The hard part is depicting a pug as a stick figure.

In this article, I describe a transition between testing approaches as the code under test changes. In this case, we move up levels, from low level style testing in unit tests toward higher level integration tests. I had to do this while working on my own project as I implemented the layers that work with the Sql database. I found it interesting how this one simple change in what I was writing completely changed the way I wrote the tests.

Everything in testing is based on context. The code you are testing, the problems you are looking for will guide your testing methodologies.

How IO affects code behavior and our testing

At some point most applications need to write code that reads from or writes to IO. Anything writing over the network, to a file, to a database. When you do this, actions you may have previously mocked become “real”, by which I mean the data is still there after the test performs the operation, and it will affect other behavior on the system.

By a technical definition, any testing done on code of this sort is not a unit test. Unit tests exclude code that reads from or writes to IO. It is necessarily an integration test or component test, or possibly an end to end test.

We can demonstrate this difference by comparing the tests for two components, one that does not use IO, and one for the code which does the IO on behalf of the other component. The latter takes a necessary and unavoidable step toward end-to-end testing that the first does not.

The key lies in the mocking, or absence of it

Testing business logic that is isolated from IO

Business logic isolated from IO is more flexible, more resilient, easier to change, and for sake of this conversation, much easier to test. We design the code with a dependency injection enabled pattern by passing in objects to provide all the IO services for the business logic. This makes it easy to change the IO service behavior, replace frameworks, re-use services, and to easily mock service behavior in our test code.

In the example below, SemanticSearchIssueProvider accepts two objects, an EmbeddingProvider and an IssueDatabase. In our test code, we mock the two providers and override the methods that SemanticSearcProvider.getIssueProfile() will call. In this case, the mocked method returns an array with a single IssueProfile object in it.

def test_getIssueProfile(self):
    embeddings = MockEmbeddingProvider()
    issuedb = MockIssueDatabase();
    def mygetIssueProfile(tenantId, projectId, issueProfileId):
        return [IssueProfile(issueProfileId, "test message", date.min)]
    issuedb.getIssueProfile = mygetIssueProfile
    issueprovider = SemanticSearchIssueProvider.SemanticSearchIssueProvider(embeddings, issuedb)
    issueProfile = issueprovider.getIssueProfile("tenant1","project1","profile1")
    self.assertEqual(issueProfile.IssueProfileId, "profile1","Fail if profile ids do not match.")

The above mocking behavior is important because it allows the test to do only one thing, which is check the behavor of SemanticSearchIssueProvider.getIssueProfile when the IssueDatabase.getIssueProfile() method returns an array with one issue profile in it. The test does not need to precede the test with an add operation (specifcally addIssueProfile), nor does it need to worry about prior state of the database, because the database does not exist.

When testing business logic, mock the dependencies and especially IO in a way that lets the test check behavior with fewest steps necesary.

Testing the code which implements the IO

We have completed implementation of SemanticSearchIssueProvider and have started work on the IO components. In this example, we are working on SqlIssueDatabaseProvider, which implements the read and write operations to an SQL database built on Postgresql. Below is the test code for the matching getIssueProfile() method on the SqlIssueDatabaseProvider provider. It looks very similar, but there are important differences.

def test_getIssueProfile(self):
    profile = IssueProfile("test_getIssueProfile", "this is a test", date.max)
    SqlIssueDatabaseProvider.addIssueProfile("tenant1","project1", profile)

    rows = SqlIssueDatabaseProvider.getIssueProfile("tenant1", "project1", "test_getIssueProfile")
    self.assertEqual(len(rows),1,"fail if the length of return set is not equal to 1")
    self.assertEqual(rows[0].IssueProfileId,profile.IssueProfileId, "Fail if profile ids do not match.")
    self.assertEqual(rows[0].ExampleMessage, profile.ExampleMessage, "Fail if messages do not match.")
    self.assertEqual(rows[0].firstReportDate, profile.firstReportDate, "Fail if reported dates do not match.")

There are no mocks in the code above. Further, the call to ` SqlIssueDatabaseProvider.getIssueProfile is preceded by a call to SqlIssueDatabaseProvider.addIssueProfile`. The test code is not faking out the return of data from IO. The test code is actively exercising the real IO, writing data to the database so it can check the retrieval behavior later.

When testing code that reads and writes to IO, you will be forced into real read and write operations that are often paired with each other to confirm. The testing is unavoidably at least an integration test.

Let’s look at the product code:

def getIssueProfile(tenantId, projectId, issueProfileId):
    sql = """SELECT issueprofileid, examplemessage, firstreporteddate FROM issueprofiles WHERE tenantId = %s AND projectId = %s and issueProfileId = %s"""
    args = (tenantId, projectId, issueProfileId)
    rows = SqlIssueDatabaseProvider.executequery(sql, args)
    result = []
    for r in rows:
        issueProfile = IssueProfile(r[0],r[1],r[2])
        return result
def executequery(sql, args):
    config = load_config()
        with psycopg2.connect(**config) as conn:
            with conn.cursor() as cur:
                rows = cur.fetchall()
                return rows
    except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:

Someone may suggest mocking out the sql database by writing a mock for psycopg2. That would allow for more control of the test problem. But it also misses an important part of the test.

In the code above, there are two critical lines that are very fragile and have an enormous affect on the behavior of the code:

    sql = """SELECT issueprofileid, examplemessage, firstreporteddate FROM issueprofiles WHERE tenantId = %s AND projectId = %s and issueProfileId = %s"""
    args = (tenantId, projectId, issueProfileId)

These two lines build the Sql query, and the most reliable way to discover problems introduced by those two lines is to run them against a real SQl server which implements the real schema for the application, because all of our problems from this point forward are about whether the query is compliant with the schema, well-formed and whether the Sql server is going to return what we need or not.

When testing integration points, particularly when data passed to the external dependency is complex, real connections to real running instances of the dependency are necessary to check for problems in the data or interaction. or to submitting code to the repository. This does suggest that

When the problem gets real, the testing needs to get real

It is important we understand how changes to the code under test, and to the testing problem drive our testing strategy. Mocks and fakes and stubs are powerful tools for testing and facilitating checks during development. They achieve that power by hiding the real behavior of the dependencies, because real behavior introduces variation and complexity and cost and pwerformance penalties. This is a good thing when the logic of the problem under test must be isolated from the behavior of the dependency.

Some test problems are about the integration of the dependency. In the example above, the database provider crafts database queries and responds to database behaviors. Any mock or fake or stub of that system is going to fall short of the actual system behavior, and it is response to actual system behavior we need to observe in the test. The testing changes. It becomes more complex, removes its mocks, and uses a real instance of the dependency.

The important part is to let the problem guide the decisions. Use context. Use actual code behavior. Consider how you would know if something was wrong, and create the test condition which makes observation of something going wrong highly probable. There are a lot of guidelines for how to approach testing, and all of those guidelines have a context for why they say what they do. Some guidelines might seem in conflict what what I describe in this article, but that is because they are intended for a different problem and different context. Context is how we bust through dogma and let the testing get real.