Getting all mathy to think like a tester

Image depicting a software testing looking at a computer screen full of math formulas This article is part of a series where I describe interview questions I used to use to check a testing candidate for strong testing behaviors.

This question tends to do well at prompting candidates to demonstrate either knowledge of, or intuition for, formal testing construct with data and processing of information. It requires some degree of basic mathematical aptitude, probably middle school level, but also some sense of where realistic physical limits of computers and problem solving have to introduce difficulty, complexity, and most probably bugs.

We imagine a calculator…

I don’t have a working code example for this problem, because I exploit the free form nature of role play to introduce conditions in response to ideas that the candidate brings up. I modify parameters, make up pretend behaviors so I can observe their responses. If I had a real application, I wouldn’t have that freedom to explore their behaviors.

The script goes like this:

“Imagine you are testing a command line calculator application. Whatever you type it treats as a mathematical formula and dislays the result of the calculation on the next line after you hit the RETURN key.

For simplicity sake, assume the calculator only supports the following operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

How would you go about testing this application?

I watch, listen, take notes and respond as they describe what they want to do.

Green Flags

Good testing candidates tend to stand out strongly when given a problem of this class. I have another article where I describe a UI-based interview question, and the green flag responses are similar in how they predict success or failure. Sufficient number of them tend to outweigh the red flags. It is rare you get a mix, but even when you do, there is often enough promise from just a couple green flags that you can detect signs of a promising tester.

Asks clarifying questions

Testing challenges assumptions, often by testing the assumptions directly. A good tester recognizes that many errors in product design or coding come from from mistaken assumptions. They also recognize that mistaken assumptions can blind us to problems, or lead us to believe a desired behavior is incorrect. A good tester will almost always lead with questions. Some examples I see a lot for this question:

  • What is the product used for? Why a calculator on a command line where there are so many calculator solutions?

  • Who is the primary user of this application? Are they mathematical experts or more like novice users? How much technical and domain competence can we assume they have?

  • What are the ranges of valid inputs? What are the invalid inputs?

  • What environment do we expect to run this in? Just Windows, or other platforms? Does it only run form the Windows command shell, or should it work in other similar command shell environments?

  • What performance expectations do we have for this? Is it meant to run just one user on a machine at a time, or are we exposing this in a shared fashion for many people to run at once? Are there any data and speed expectations with regard to calculation size, complexity, memory persistence, running calculations, cached results?

The possible questions are endless, and almost any direction of questions are good. What you want to see is the candidate express ideas that might affect expectations and outcome, new test ideas.

Fights back against something I tell them

One of the reasons I role play this interview is to give the candidate a chance to apply skepticism to things other people tell them.

Pretend the candidate suggested the test “+1 + 3” because they want to know if the calculator handles leading operators.

I interject.

stopping candidate

Me: “Let’s say after you do that, the application emits a blank line. What do you do”

Candidate: “I try it again.”

Me: “Let’s say it emits another blank line.”

Candidate: “I try another calculation. Maybe ‘1 + 2’, something that I know works.”

Me: “Let’s say it emits another blank line. Let’s say from this point forward it emits a blank line for everything you enter. What do you do?”

Candidate: “I show the problem to the developer.”

Me: “The developer says that leading operators are invalid input because all the basic calculation operators have to take two inputs. The developer says nobody that knows basic math would enter such a formula and expect it to work.”

A good testing candidate would treat that response with skepticism. Maybe the developer is correct in so far as what is important for the application, maybe we do not care. But do we know that for sure?

A good testing candidate will start to craft a strategy for how to respond to the developer answer. Maybe there are others who understand the customer better. Maybe you have prior customer usage information to present as evidence. Maybe you can find examples of leading operators in existing academic publications. Maybe the failure mode is more extreme than described. Maybe even if the input is truly invalid having the calculator stop accepting all formulas is not really acceptable - maybe asking the product manager what they think will help. Maybe the tester should try more tests, or research, or investigate.

Whatever they do, they treat what I say with skepticism. They describe a strategy to learn more.

Uses what they know already

The calculator is stripped to simplicity by design. It allows the candidate to focus on math that they would have known very well even as a child. I don’t want to worry about whether or not the candidate knows multiple ways to calculate Nth roots. I want to know how the candidate uses existing knowledge of math to check calculations.

For example, the commutative law for addition and multiplication states thats that order of operations is irrelevant. So long as we are just doing that one operation, we can have any number of values in whatever order, and they will also calculate to the same value.

This law can serve as a simple oracle that helps us cover a great degree of complexity. All of the following calculations can be checked for consistency via this rule:

11 + 15 + 72 + 183 + 9 + 0.43 + 65
15 + 11 + 72 + 183 + 9 + 0.43 + 65
65 + 0.43 + 9 + 183 + 72 + 11 + 15

We can build any set of numbers size N, re-arrange the order of the numbers, and perform the same operation across them and every re-arrangement ought to apply the same final answer as all others in the list.

We could use that same oracle to check parsing affect on calculation. Consider the following from the same data set, which ought to return the same results as every other row in the prior set:

11+ 15+ 72+ 183+ 9+ 0.43+ 65
11 +15 +72 +183 +9 +0.43 +65
11 + 15 + 72 + 183 + 9 + 0.43 + 65
11  +  15  +  72  +  183  +  9  +  0.43  +  65

Anybody scoffing the likelihood such a set of test data might expose a bug in the calculator has never tested (or perhaps written) a parser before.

The above is just an example, and the important part to focus on is a good tester will bring things they already know and search for ways to use them to build good test ideas.

They know where the hard parts and error cases are

Simple arithmetic, let’s talk about a simple error case.

Divide by zero.

There are any number of other tricky math problems. Order of operations is fun. If we allow parentheses, parentheses depth and application of the distributive property get interesting. Decimal number precision is cool. So are irrational numbers. If we wanted to, we could spend hours (didn’t mathematcians used to spend years calculating decimal tables for common problems?) coming up with good tests for any of those.

But let’s look just a little bit at divide by zero. Simplest case:

“How about if we try ‘1/0’, what does it do?”

I like to defer reward for the simple cases. I might say something like “It displays a message that says ‘Divide zero error’.”

Before I go further, how many of you spotted the grammatical mistake in the error message response? I didn’t until I at least a third pass on the document, and decided that rather than fix it I would leave it here as an object lesson. If you caught it, congratulations, you did better than I did at catching grammar mistakes. Those are bugs too.

A good candidate is rarely satisfied. Maybe divide by zero on such a short calculation was too simple. They offer a few more designed to make it more difficult for the calculator to detect when the divide by zero is happening:

1/((5/3) * -1(6 - 12/6))
... etc.

A good tester knows how to make a problem a little bit harder, or how to explore a black box to see if it behaves differently based on different conditions that ought to yield similar results.

They smell trouble and intuit inner limitations

This next example is so predictable, and aligns so well with good test candidates that it came up almost every time, and doing well with this problem predicted doing well with the rest.

In almost every interview, the candidate would ask about size limits. If they didn’t at all they would tend to perform poorly overall, but I would still prompt them if not. Unprompted, it tended to go like this:

Candidate: “What is the largest number allowed?”

Me: “The developer tells you there is no limit. You can perform calculations on any number of any size.”

Good candidates know this answer cannot be true. I have found that even when a candidate has no programming experience, knows nothing at all about how numerical data is represented and stored inside the computer, some of them will still immediately reject this claim. They know everything has limits, and those limits have implications.

A good candidate will start exploring. They try to get information out of me, like what the maximum ought to be. I always reflect back to them with “What do you do to figure that out?”

What they do then is start enumerating cases with ever larger and larger numbers. They offer me some seemingly huge example, and I respond with

“You try that, and it gives you the mathematically correct result.”

A really good candidate, even if the have no computer programming background, knows something very different is happening, even if they do not know what. Someone with programming experience ought to realize what is up right away, and I actually hold that experience against them if they do not catch on.

The technical issue is that if the calculator processes or returns numbers that exceed the maximum word size of the chipset/platform, then the calculator application cannot be using the math operations built into the chip. It is no longer getting its math for free. It had to do the math on its own. The implications of a math library intended to do calculations on number of unlimited size, while necessarily capped by the size of the hardware (memory, storage, what have you) also has to handle all sorts of problems with memory allocation and de-allocation associated with values that shrink and grow as the calculation dictates.

As surprising as it may seem, I have had liberal arts majors without even two seconds of computer programming experience describe that problem to me. They tell me they are worried about things like storage and changing data needs as you numbers increase from values like 9999999999…etc….99999999 to the next digit up simply by adding one to them, or back down as one takes 1000000000..etc…00000 and subtracts one.

It isn’t that the test candidate has to design the data structures and algorithms for an unbounded calculator. It is that they have to intuit when something is very different from normal and start to piece together when that is a problem. From there, they start to build a strategy for problems that might have never existed otherwise. One might have never worried (much) about memory leaks or garbage collection optimization on a simple calculator app until contemplating the implications of unlimited numbers.

Candidates that intuit these sorts of implications and describe test approaches that would explore more deeply what is happening, as well as articulate what they are worried, these people tend to perform as very good testers.

Red Flags

Red flags might appear, and might just be a passing comment or idea that mean very little if several green flags appear. The problem is when all the behaviors and responses represent red flags. Some of these will repeat behaviors I have mentioned in other articles.

Stopping early

The testing domain on a problem like a calculator, even one with stripped functionality, is infinite in many dimensions. Even constraining ourselves to what a computer can really do (finite storage, finite precision, etc.) the possible tests still occupy an infinite space. Someone who stops early, especially confidently and with no expressed concern they might miss something is a strong red flag.

When I observe this behavior, I offer questions such as “Is there anything else you would like to try?” or “Are you sure that is all? Is there anything you can think of which might have been hard for the developers and designers to get right, or which might have been overlooked?” Sometimes, but rarely, a candidate takes the hint and broadens their exploration. Most of the time, giving up early correlates with not taking the hint.

Never taking the bait

I try often in the interview to inject information that suggests they should look further. The “what is the largest number?” role-play script above is one such example. This is bait. Likewise for the the “fight with me” role play. More bait.

Someone who leaves the bait alone, never recognizes it as bait typically does poorly on other testing ideas. Their cases tend to test the simplest version of a behavior. They tend not to mix behaviors together. They don’t explore error conditions and permutations of error conditions.

Taking everything I say at face value

Sometimes in this problem I say things I mean to be absolute truth, and sometimes I say things that I mean to be suspicious, misleading, or entirely incorrect. Some candidates take everything I say, every piece of information I gave them and never challenge them or explore their implications.

This is another form of “never taking the bait,” but it is also an assessment of their nonsense detectors. Testers have to play critic and skeptic and investigator most of the time. Every day, multiple times a day, testers are presented with something that people believe is true which turns out not to be. The tester needs to be inclined to confirm and check. Failure to demonstrate this skepticism and challenge factual assertions does not predict well for good testing.

Not describing the implications of information

I refer back to the “unbounded large number calculations” example as a demonstration of when testers need to follow the implications of what somebody tells them. When someone describes a behavior, the tester should consider that another avenue for investigation. Failure to describe or investigate implications beyond those directly stated is a concern.

Let’s take another example - divide by zero. Imagine instead of just telling them the calculator printed a warning it printed this:

“Divide by zero error. Line 1, position 3 of 3”

Failure to recognize the implications of that “Line X, position Y of Z” detail are a concern. Prior to displaying that information, the calculator may just be waiting for the mathematical operation to fail. In order to display line and position details, it has to deconstruct the math formula and decide where the zero came from. Further implications, that string has to be localized, and not all languages follow the same pattern for how the different numbers ought to be placed. We might need to do a per language check - or at least grammatical similarity check - of different languages to see if it really gets the warning correct. A whole host of problems come up from such a seemingly modest change in behavior. I worry if a tester doesn’t get new testing concerns over a change like that.

Summing it all up on our way to a tester mindset

What I hope is that by seeing some of the methods I describe for identifying potentially good testing candidates people can learn what sorts of analysis or thought processes work well toward coming up with test ideas.

When we sit down to think about tests, it is a little bit like a testing interview, just without the pressure of someone watching us. Using this contrived little calculator app as an example, consider the following ways to help work toward testing ideas:

  • Ask clarifying questions. Make a list, even for yourself, but for sure to ask other people. That list of questions is powerful, and sometimes the question alone will drive people to realize bugs they hadn’t recognized before.
  • “Fight back” against what you have been told or shown. Not antagonistically, and not to insult anybody, but more to explore the truth of claims and assumptions. Make a list of things people say or believe are true about the application and ask how you could find ways they may not be true, or even how you could check if it was.
  • Consider what might have been hard to do and explore the possibilities. Some code is very easy to write, other code is very difficult. Ask other testers,. Ask the developer. Every developer has something about their code that makes them nervous.
  • For every new piece of information, or surprising detail, ask “what are the implications of this behavior? What does the product have to do to make this happen? What else must be true or must not be true if this is the case? What might conflict with the behavior or requirements described here?”

We can also talk about how to use the red flags:

  • Don’t stop thinking of test ideas. You didn’t really run out of tests, there are more. If you think you are done, you are wrong. Force yourself to try to think of more.
  • Get nervous when you accept some truth as fact, or feel as if you distractedly went past something. That should be a warning bell, and sometimes the conflicting nature of a problem we overlooked is precisely what triggered the bored/distracted response. You may not notice this in the moment. Make a habit of going back when you realize it.
  • Get nervous if every check or test you do is just a positive confirmation of something you have been told. Treat this as a sign that you, and other people, are overlooking something.

Some of the red flags are infectious. If you didn’t notice an idea or were tempted to oversimplify a problem, not think deeply about it, then chances are the developers and product managers and designers did as well. There are a lot of problems which because of complexity or tedium or detail or obscurity lull our brains away from the type of attention we need to notice when a mistake is happening. Use that response as a warning, because chances are you may be the only person who bothers to explore.